About me

Who am I?

Hi there, I'm Justin Nacu, a Mechanical Engineering Bachelor's degree holder with a passion for adventure. I'm always looking for new challenges and experiences, whether it's exploring a new city, hiking a mountain, or learning a new skill. I believe that the best way to learn and grow is by stepping outside of my comfort zone and trying new things.

In my free time, I enjoy reading self-help books, hitting the gym, and learning how to play the piano. I'm also a big fan of sitcoms and podcasts. I'm always looking for ways to improve myself and make a positive impact on the world.

As a lifelong learner, I'm always eager to expand my horizons and explore new ideas and skills. I believe that the pursuit of knowledge is a never-ending journey, and I'm excited about the endless possibilities that come with continuous learning.

How I Found My Passion for Data Analytics

As a mechanical engineering graduate, I never imagined that data analytics would become my passion. It all started when I was working in a previous job and was assigned to monitor various equipment and utility data. Electricity consumption, water usage, and mechanical equipment data were among the many variables that I had to keep track of. Although I had no prior experience in data analytics, I found myself using Excel spreadsheets to help me make sense of the data.

To my surprise, I discovered a problem with some of the mechanical equipment's efficiency while analyzing the data. It wasn't obvious at first, but as I delved deeper into the data and conducted research, I felt a sense of excitement and curiosity. I was able to identify the root cause of the inefficiencies, and it turned out that the equipment needed deep cleaning. This discovery was immensely satisfying and resulted in more efficient equipment and cost savings for the company.

This experience sparked my interest in data analytics and motivated me to pursue it further. I started taking courses and working on projects to enhance my skills and knowledge. Learning new tools and techniques to analyze data became my passion. What I found most gratifying was knowing that my data analysis skills could make a positive impact and help solve real-world problems.

my journey from a mechanical engineer to a data analyst was unexpected, but it has been an exciting and rewarding experience. I am grateful for that chance encounter with data analysis and the opportunity it has given me to use my skills to make a difference.

How Can I Help You Make the Most of Your Data?

As a data analyst with a Mechanical Engineering degree, I bring a unique blend of technical expertise and a passion for data analytics. Proficient in Python, SQL, and Excel, I extract valuable insights from raw data. Skilled in PowerBI for compelling visualizations, I have strong problem-solving abilities and collaborate effectively on complex projects.

My engineering background enhances my understanding of data in various industries. As a continuous learner, I adapt to new technologies and methodologies, driven by a passion for making a positive impact through data analytics.

Let's unlock the power of data and achieve your goals together!